BG's Opinions
I have an opinion, don't you?

Archive for the ‘behavior’ Category

Never Again

January 17, 2024

Saying this to myself about some things is a really great feeling. It’s especially nice when I feel very sincere and confident about saying this about something important.

One Humble Opinion

August 15, 2023

After talking to my brother, Garry, at Ava’s Birthday / Christening party (2023), I thought about and wrote this: I AM ONE.THEY are LEGION.How much can I know?

Am I Human?

April 26, 2023

What I think this gets down to are the following particulars:

You’r pretty smart, aren’t you?

November 7, 2022

A knife is a very sharp instrument in a very narrow space. We are each very qualified, intense, clear in our chosen fields. And, often, not so clear in other areas. A sledge hammer is broadly destructive but has no clear or precise target. I‘d rather be a knife.

Big Brother

August 28, 2022

Some folks think that the internet is watching us for other than benefical reasons. Here is a graphic of what GOOGLE monitors. You be the judge – which most of us / you are anyway.


December 3, 2021

Life is a count down and few of us recognize this until we are at about “FOUR, 3, TWO or 1”. Given that once we realize what little time we have left, what would be the most important thing for us to do OTHER THAN find a way to teach our children to START EARLIER? […]

Find a Limb to Hang Your Clothes On

July 6, 2021

“Find a Limb to Hang Your Clothes On” is a lyric in a song. How many other people listen to songs and hear a line, lyric, or stanza that speaks to them more than just as a line in the song? If you listen like I do and hear things differently than as written, which […]

The Data Are Insufficient

June 14, 2021

Sexual orientation is a process. And processes need data. As of the current writing (June 2021) current application systems collect data about Sex by asking one insufficient question: “Sex: Male or Female?”. This is nowhere near enough data to be a “Complete, Honest, and Meaningful” representation of this information. The information I think we need […]

Tenets of the Tenants

May 27, 2021

Our world is a safe place to live IF we keep it that way. Our homes are safe and clean WHEN we choose to maintain them in that manner. Our cities and countries are clean and healthy AS LONG AS we decide, as a group, to keep them as such. We are the Tenants of […]

Stop Covering Trump

July 29, 2020

What would happen if we stopped giving Mr. Trump news coverage? Could we find other events to cover in the news that would be more informative and reliable? How would Mr. Trump respond if he had little to no news coverage? I would love to hear about that tantrum. Do any of you have thoughts […]