BG's Opinions
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Archive for the ‘One Percent’ Category

American Women 2022

June 27, 2022

This is so sad and is becoming true! Will we, as a country, stand by, again and allow this removal of personal rights to become our new truth as we are doing about gun control and voting rights? Can the Democrats actually take some cohesive action against these anti-democratic laws and actions of the Republicans […]

The Corvette

February 26, 2020

The Corvette. A man named Tom Nicholson posted on his Facebook account the sports car that he had just bought and how a man approached and told him that the money used to buy this car could’ve fed thousands of less fortunate people. His response to this man made him famous on the internet. READ […]

Thank you: Wayne Allyn Root

July 18, 2015

By Wayne Allyn Root Someone is getting very nervous. Obama. Valerie Jarrett. Eric Holder. Hillary Clinton. Jon Corzine…to name just a few. And I know why. I wrote a book entitled, “The Murder of the Middle Class” about the unholy conspiracy between big government, big business and big media. They all benefit by the billions […]